
Beside consultancy services and finding optimal solutions for partners needs, SMC is organizing trainings for organisations and individuals who believe that the only way to progress in career is by continuous development and training.

Education is one of the main courses of action of SMC by which it is recognizable in the domestic market. Trainings are designed in a way to reflect the real world and provide participants primarily the knowledge and skills they need in their daily work. Education programs are created and performed by top professionals with years of academic and professional experience, and include implementation of:
    • Trainings,
    • Workshops,
    • Benchmarking,
    • Best practice analysis,
    • On-the-job training,
    • Mentoring,
    • Coaching,
    • Supervision,
    • Mirroring.
    SMC based on extensive experience can offer education programs in various business areas. The ones that stand out are following: 
      • General Management training,
      • Strategic Management,
      • Project Management,
      • Multi project management,
      • Lidership and change management,
      • Knowledge Management,
      • Preparation and assessment of investment projects,
      • Project proposal preparation,
      • Management skills (Negotiation, Time Management, Motivation, Delegation, Issue Management, Conflicts Management, Managing Meetings etc.),
      • Decision Making,
      • Cost-Benefit analysis,
      • Crisis Management
      • Project Management Software solutions.

      These training programs can be tailored to the needs of specific sectors of the economy and society, such as healthcare, education, IT, construction and others.

      Great number of of training programs that these SMC implemented in over 400 organizations in the past 17 years is the best guarantee of quality.
      If you are interested in some form of education that the SMC is able to provide, please inquire for further information by direct contact.
Serbian management center
Combining many years of professional experience and knowledge of the specific needs of clients, SMC provides support in the area of:
  • Management Consulting,
  • Planning and implementation of business strategies,
  • Project management
  • Public Management,
  • Human resources improvements,
  • Implementation of software solutions.
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Peter Ferdinand Drucker ""
Peter Ferdinand Drucker
Serbian management center-SMC

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