Strategic management capacity development in Ministry of Interior of Republic of Serbia
Design and implementation of Training programme "Performance management in public administration" for 60 elected representatives of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.
Project title: Strategic management capacity development in Ministry of Interior of Republic of Serbia
Partners: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
Period: October 2012 - January 2013.
Short project description: Design and implementation of Training programme "Performance management in public administration" for 60 elected representatives of the Ministry of Interior. The trainings are designed to enable participants to get familiar with modern concepts of performance management in public sector institutions, with a special focus on security and the rule of law.
Completed training programme was followed by mentoring program for elected representatives of the MI that supported development of organizational performance indicators and analysis of best practices. This practical work should be used as a practical guide for performance management implementation and as operational support for Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Interior.
Serbian management center
Combining many years of professional experience and knowledge of the specific needs of clients, SMC provides support in the area of:
- Management Consulting,
- Planning and implementation of business strategies,
- Project management
- Public Management,
- Human resources improvements,
- Implementation of software solutions.
Project management
SMC provides support to professional project management and improving organizational project management:
- Development of methodologies and methodological manuals for project management
- Managing, monitoring and control of projects
- Multi-project management
- Application of maturity models and best practices
- Redesign of organizational elements
- Introduction of Project Management Unit (PMO)