
Certificate Award ceremony

Certificate award ceremony for participants who successfully completed Training Programme "Management trainings for Public Officers Working in Government Institutions in the Republic of Serbia" was held on June 11th, 2013 in the Green Salon of National Assembly of Republic of Serbia.

Certificate award ceremony for participants who successfully completed Training Programme "Management trainings for Public Officers Working in Government Institutions in the Republic of Serbia" was held on June 11th, 2013 in the Green Salon of National Assembly of Republic of Serbia. Award ceremony gathered together participants, lecturers and representatives of USAID Business Enabling Project (BEP).

Training Programme "Management trainings for Public Officers Working in Government Institutions in the Republic of Serbia" provided the managers of public administration intensive training programs in management and specialized management disciplines, and for senior officials of the Government of Serbia individual educational sessions to improve leadership skills enabling active participation in creating positive change in society. 

Programme was implemented by SMC and supported by USAID Business Enabling Project under the short-term initiative within project “Training for managers who works as Public Officer in Government Institutions in the Republic of Serbia”. Participants expressed satisfaction with the programme and pointed out the need for further development in the field of management and this triggered further cooperation of USAID Business Enabling Project and SMC.

Srpski menadžment centar
Kombinujući višegodišnje stručno iskustvo i znanje sa specifičnim potrebama klijenata, SMC pruža podršku u oblasti:
  • Menadžment consulting-a,
  • Planiranja i realizacije strategije poslovanja,
  • Projektnog menadžmenta,
  • Menadžmenta javne uprave,
  • Unapredjenja ljudskih resursa.
  • Implementacije gotovih softverskih rešenja.
Projektni menadžment
SMC pruža podršku u profesionalnom upravljanju projektima i unapređenju organizacionog projektnog menadžmenta:
  • Izrada metodologija i metodoloških priručnika za upravljanje projektima
  • Vođenje, monitoring i kontrola projekata
  • Multi-projektno upravljanje
  • Primena modela zrelosti i najboljih praksi
  • Redizajniranje organizacionih elemenata
  • Uvođenje Jedinice za upravljanje projektima (PMO)
Centar Microsoft
Ostanite u kontaktu sa nama
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg "Ja ne mogu da kažem da li će stvari krenuti na bolje, ukoliko se promene. Ono što mogu da kažem je da moraju da se menjaju ukoliko želimo da budu bolje!"
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Nemački fizičar
Srpski menadžment centar-SMC

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